
I love it when the late Peter Drucker is referenced in the media. What a freaking genius! It’s amazing how so many of his theories on management have been completely ignored or overlooked for one reason or another. From strength productivity to focusing on marketing and innovation ahead of finance, it does not make sense why more corporations do not put his “stuff” to good use.

Oh well, at least this article titled “Be smarter at work, slack off” sheds some light on many corporate behaviors that add little value. From “face time” to just lookin’ busy, none of it matters as much as knowing the value of time and making big chunks of it to simply THINK.

One of the most valuable things I have learned as an Entrepreneur is that Peter Drucker is right – “All one can think and do in a short time is to think what one already knows and to do as one has always done.” What a vicious cycle.

So if your friends get pissed because you don’t call, your co-workers feel slighted because you are skipping the all important beers after work, or your boss writes you up for being a day dreamer, remind yourself of Peter Drucker. Learning to make space and time to think could be the most important skill you learn.


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