
Wow, what a match. Portugal just beat England in an exciting World Cup showdown. Of course I was the only ONE at Claddagh enjoying the match. Every one, and I mean everyone, around me made comments about how they “hate” soccer. Someone very un-G.A.I. guy next to me mentioned that the only reason America will come to like the game is because of illegal immigrants. Why bring freaking politics into it – what a crock?

I think the US economy will go as the popularity of soccer goes in the country. It’s a sport that demands constant pace, creativity, stamina, luck and global recognition. Also, the stigma around soccer players is that they are rebels (well grounded to become innovators in my book). Interestingly, it’s the only game that is exactly as long as the natural length of most meetings (Peter Drucker stuff). No more and no less. As an entrepreneur, time is everything. I know exactly when the game will start and when it will end (+ 10% max). Very little advertising and distractions. It’s all about the game. I love it.

Compare it to watching Golf, Base Ball or command and control American Football. (all of which I have or now reluctantly play). Boringggggggg and freaking time consuming!!!!!!

There are so few sports where you can join in a game anywhere in the world like soccer. When I was in Singapore last, there were a few locals playing a 6 on 6 match and they let me join in for some bare foot beach play. Fantastic! Immediate friendship, fun and exercise. If anything, it’s not a bad thing to know/play in this flat, highly competitive global economy.


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3 Responses to Futbol

  1. Pingback: Brewed Fresh Daily » The popularity of soccer as an economic indicator

  2. alterion says:

    so now that we’re out and you have some time how abut getting someone in the UK to sell original black coats for those of us without ipods πŸ˜€

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