Let My People Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman

Jim Haviland sent me this book to read and apply to KOYONO. It’s a great story on the trials, tribulations and success of a company that just wanted to make great products (they themselves would use), help save the Planet, and have fun. I became intrigued by the lifestyle of the author, Yvon Chouinard, who is the founder and owner of Patagonia. I immediately Googled “Crazy Rock Climbing.” Here is what I found. Man, these guys are nuts! However, I am not sure Yvon would be one to recommend this kind of speed free solo climbing. Then again, in the book it shows him scaling the Great Wall of China and he jokingly comments that its level of diffculty was only a 5.8. That is .1 more than the wall this guy was filmed climbing!


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