Mysterious Universe: Stretching the Mind and Imagination

Yes, I know many of my friends would call me a bit of a whack job for posting this, but what they heck; I enjoy the paranormal and the scientifically inexplicable because I am a geek!


This is really fun stuff! The Mysterious Universe show’s creator, Benjamin Grundy, does a very professional job pulling this podcast together with spectacular sound quality and great ambient background mixes. This is not to mention really interesting stories ranging from ancient phenomenon, ghosts, the Big Bang (quantum physics), and UFOs (always involving the US DOD in some way) to Big Foot. He keeps a well balanced position (as far as the paranormal is concerned) and seems to do a reasonable amount of research to qualify his stories story.

If you are a curious person, open to something a little bit out of the mainstream, check out this podcast. At a minimum, it’s terribly refreshing to here news not covering war, corporate scandals and politics.

Got a long trip planned, download a few podcasts from the following for a mix of tech, science, creativity, the future and spirituality:

Mysterious Universe
KCRW’s Left, Right & Center
The Accidental Creative
All available on iTunes.

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