Going Bedouin | Coghead

We have, in the past, referred to KOYONO as a virtual company. From now on we will want to refer to our structure as Bedouin. We don’t have a central office where all our employees drive every morning. We are a collection of muiti-project entrepreneurs using an IP infrastructure to deliver real products to people all over the world. A recent and brilliant blog post by Greg Olsen, CTO of Coghead titled Going Bedouin | Coghead lays out a clear and concise vision of how we at KOYONO believe the future of companies and innovation look. Greg talks primarily about software companies, but for us, we think the same principles apply to most industries. Any one day, we have over 200 people doing KOYONO work. Other days we might have just a handful. You don’t need to construct a huge infrastructure to accomplish something. The infrastructure is already all around you if you look.

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