A Voter's Alternative

Well, it’s almost election day and we at KOYONO hope you get out there and vote to your heart’s content. If you are really on the fence and don’t care for either party, then you can also consider just voting out the Incumbents! Jack Clafferty from CNN has been pushing this on his Broken Government program and there are a few organizations out there building silimar coalitions. VotersRevolution.org and Voidnow.org (Vote Out Incumbents Democracy Now) are two non-profits dedicated to getting the word out about such a cause. Check them out. VotersRevolution went so far as to write a few songs!

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3 Responses to A Voter's Alternative

  1. The VotersRevolution’s (linked in the article) web site page says they are a LLC, which, I assume means limited liability corporation. So, who is accounting for donor’s funds? Maybe I missed it, but, I didn’t see any transparency or oversight structure for their organization.

    Vote Out Incumbents Democracy (also linked above) is a registered PAC, and even though they don’t contribute to any party or candidates, using all their funds to reach voters, they are accountable for every cent of contributions under penalty of law by the Federal Elections Commission and IRS.

    I think folks should be cautious here. With all the anti-incumbent sentiment growing, there are a number of anti-incumbent web sites and supposed organizations cropping up to accept donations from unsuspecting well wishers.

    I think it is important to ensure that such organizations are registered and accountable to some oversight agency to insure donor’s contributions are used as they hoped they would be.

    I am for voting out irresponsible or ineffective incumbents. So, far, that includes about 99% of them in the U.S. Congress. I don’t believe voters should be voting for challengers to incumbents who are speaking truth to power and are working to make the changes necessary to clean up the corruption, bribes, and deference to special interests and wealthy campaign donors, over and above the needs of the nation and her people, now and future.

  2. David:
    Thank you for the excellent note about Voters Revolution oversignt.It is something I had considered and written into the ByLaws, but I guess more is needed. I will checkinto it, now that election day is almost past.( Thank goodness, no more nasty hateful political ads on TV for awhile!!)

    I had considered a PAC, but to me PAC’s are as bad as politicians, since many have proven to be just a crooked, and in addition it costs quite a bit to regiater a PAC, and right now I am funding Voters Revolution on a very tight budget. As funds improve, I will look for a monitor to look over the funds. Any Ideas? A Bank? A CPA?

    Inputs from any and all will be appreciated.

    Bill Morehead, Founder, Votersrevolution.org.

  3. The response to Votersrevolution.com was fantastic. Thanks to everyone, we did make a difference in the recent election and now have some new faces in Congress. Lets keep it up again and again until the bums in Congress like Teddy Kennedy finally get the word!!!

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