What's your Innovation Quotient?

I have been in a major purge mode and reorganizing life. It’s amazing how much crap tends to build up over time. There are of course some things worth keeping. For example, this test on determining your innovation quotient is one for the general reference file. The questions are unconventional, as you might expect, and the thought of such a test is interesting to say the least.

Here is a sample question:

If I were stranded in the desert, the question I’d be most likely to ask myself is:

a) How do I get to water?
b) How do I get water to come to me?
c) What is the meaning of (my) life?
d) How can I make (my) life more meaningful?

You could use it as a starting point for a consulting practice to overhaul HR as we know it, or start a No Genius Left Behind campaign for corporate america 🙂 Go ahead, give it a try. What’s your IQ?

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One Response to What's your Innovation Quotient?

  1. Becki says:

    Very cool. I am more innovative than I thought. Thanks for posting.

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