BlackCoat Minimal: Made for Flight

Mini1171939007016, originally uploaded by koyonoinc.

:: BlackCoat Minimal
:: Price: $99 (MSRP $170)
:: FREE $10 iTunes Gift Certificate

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If you’re like us, you would prefer to work in jeans and a t-shirt, and play by less formal rules. Unfortunately, that’s not always acceptable for the rest of the professional world. This is especially true if you are on the road for business. When meeting with prospective investors, clients, vendors, and the like, it’s best that you look smart. While you don’t have to wear a suit and tie, slacks and a button down are a business casual bare minimum requirement. That said, we know you want to get out of your business rags as soon as possible and into your favorite pair of jeans, a BlackCoat-Tor Tricot. What’s more, when preparing to travel it’s a hassle to pack more than you need (i.e. more than one coat) and a drain on your creative psyche trying to match clothing ensembles.

That’s why we created BlackCoat Minimal. It looks sharp and is always crisp for every business or casual situation. Made from Nextec® waterproof Flathead, Minimal keeps you dry and comfortable. Super lightweight (1 lb.) and ultra packable, the coat makes for an easy travel companion. You’ll find the 4 roomy pockets for your electronic devices, airline tickets and other mobile necessities handy to say the least. Most important, Minimal will not make you look like a social deviant when you dress down the way more traditional type raincoats and overcoats do. Minimal’s simple, 3/4 length design and red highlights give it a forward looking appearance no matter what midnight urban excursion you find yourself on. You will end up taking this coat with you on every trip. For $99, BlackCoat Minimal is for bootstrapping entrepreneurs who stretching every buck to get his dream off the ground. You just need one coat – BlackCoat Minimal.

BlackCoats are proudly designed by risk taking entrepreneurs who know the challenges of confronting status quo. Wear it proudly knowing there are people that understand where you are and where you are trying to go. We got your back, now go change the world.

“Just received my new piece. I could not be more pleased and impressed. Spot on design: form and function. Thank you.”
John S. Alaska, USA

“…style and technology in such a way that function doesn’t overwhelm form.”

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